Chad Wys is a visual artist, designer, and writer who lives and works in Illinois, US. “I’m an interdisciplinary artist working at the intersection of historical semiotics and contemporary cybernetic visual reception…”. This is how Wys describes his visual approach.
We could translate this as a passion Chad has in picking historical and famous art pieces and reconsider its beauty.
He explores the inner sense of what we conventionally consider as beautiful, to look at our sense of self and community from another point of view.

As a student, Chad Wys shifted his time between literature and art history. He then went for studies in Visual Culture at the Illinois State, to deepen the critique of images and the philosophy of art with an interdisciplinary eye toward the ways we use signs and symbols to interpret ideas, as for words and images to communicate.
His approach to visual art is indeed experimental and challenging, as for his approach to the concepts he chooses.
Juxtaposing materials, examining theories and overlapping both theoretical and technical visual layers is what characterizes his language and core passions.
“Craft and critique—as verbs and nouns—are themselves my tools as well as my subjects,” he says.
His aim as a creative minded person is to twist comforts into curiosity and to focus on the process of reception, to not give anything for granted.
Sometimes his artworks are fun and meaningful, or introvert and abstract, yet he always strives to seek new approaches to old challenges.

To view more of Chad Wys’s works, go here.