Maedeh Naderianvar, an Iranian painter that currently lives in Milan, starts the interview by explaining how her passion for art brought her to leave her home city of Tehran. She graduated in 2010 from the University of Tehran in Painting but still, her interest in depicting human bodies through the study of nudes gave her some limitations as to the Iranian conservative approach. Mainly this is why she decided to continue her education and gain new skills at the Brera Academy in Milan in 2011.
When looking at her artworks, her in-depth study of the human figure is what immediately elucidates her ability and ambition. Maedeh feels the urge to represent emotions through a human body to enhance how a thrill inhabits inside a peculiar posture. “I use acrylics as they are fresh and transparent, as our memories and thoughts.”, she says.
When asked what drives her to make art, she explains how her art is a tool to explore things, and how her main trigger is about expressing her emotions and inner torments. She continues: ”To me, the real reason that drives an artist to make art is the desire to leave a trace of himself in this world, like evidence of its soul, which thing is possible only through art.”

Throughout the years, her style changed while experimenting with various oil painting techniques. Maedeh later found her preferred tool in acrylic painting, a perfect method to depict her ideas. Her artworks are all a combination of acrylic colors, photography and life drawing techniques.
Thanks to the triple exposure photographic technique, her subjects keep moving and are portrayed in different postures. The depicted figures are then frozen in a single frame. Their bodies are all in a forced condition of frustration, boredom or confusion, to show how a human being is not in charge of deciding for itself but has to conform and ably by a more powerful governmental rule. The chosen colors take Maedeh back to her home country of Iran, where indigo is a current shade for Iranians to reference with spirituality and meditation. It is also the color of the sky and sea, and especially it reminds her of ceramics – the most renowned Iranian craft.

Maedeh investigates her ideas starting from her memories, gaining quite big inspiration from artists such as Hector Degas and Francis Bacon and through topics like poetry, literature, and movies.
She wishes people to engage with her art by finding in her artwork elements to reconnect to their feelings. “My paintings all come from an emotion, so I will define myself satisfied when people may perceive those emotions through my art.”
As everyone, also Maedeh had to postpone her projects due to the current pandemic situation. Her future, though, looks at becoming an internationally renowned artist, as she believes art has no limits. “I am a determined person, and I am willing to undergo all the challenges needed if necessary.”
Maedeh Naderianvar is currently part of st-Art Amsterdam.
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