About Nester Formentera
Nester Formentera was born in 1991 in the Philippines to then migrate to Dublin, Ireland, with his family. He studied and developed his artistic skills in Dublin, to mainly focus his art on personal feelings inspired by his everyday surroundings.
His style is recognized by drawings, made out of a Bic pen, graphite, or colored pencils, through a realistic visual language.

A few years ago he wanted to challenge his talent through the special technique of recreating an illusional 3D effect by drawing shapes through minimal lines.
Creative Technique
Nester starts with a sketch of the final shape he wishes to represent, often inspired by a photograph. The final result is an optical illusion just as if the characters were sticking out from the paper.
Nester knows how to confer to his artwork an erotic yet artistic feeling through a unique chosen language.

Check out more about his works here.