Enza La Giusa was born in Sicily (Nicosia, Italy) in 1983. She moved to Catania, where she still lives and works, to study Theatre and Set Design at the Fine Art Academy.
After achieving her degree, she worked as a teacher assistant in Performing Arts techniques and later applied for a further education program in New Media for Set design.
Despite her academic background in set design, Enza is resistant to classify herself in one only discipline.
“I like video art as a way to express myself as I find it similar to surrealism. Like surrealism, indeed, video art is not attached to a narrative line, and one has all the extent to mold a perception.”
For the same reasons, Enza is interested in digital sound management.

by Enza La Giusa

Enza La Giusa freelanced for some time, spacing through graphic design, video editing, 3D modeling, animation, and film making. Throughout the years, she also took part at many contests as Viaggi di versi- XIII Edizione in 2019: the Luxemburg Art Prize 5th edition (with “Ardian Balla- SGY”; ArtetrA premio Leonardo Da Vinci in Florence at the Palazzo Bastogi e Palazzo del Pegaso; the Premio Alda Merini, in Brunate, 2018; the MaArtelive / Music Videos section with “Assenza.”
What excited us is Enza’s endurance to define her practice through labels. Being stuck in one only discipline or branch is opposite to her beliefs.
“I don’t believe there’s only one interpretation of events. We need to investigate all possible hues and layers before deciding or judging. I am not a perfectionist. I only look at digging as much as possible.”
Mostly inspired by emotions, Enza has uncommon social empathy.
She defines this feeling as a primordial discomfort yet an urge to further investigate. For this, she wishes people to interact with her art to feel a trigger for questioning a thought, either about their inner-selves or the visible environment. Enza’s critical topic is to go further tangible and obvious to consider other faces of an event.
That’s probably the reason why she struggles at being defined or classified in one only discipline. Enza strongly believes in changes and progress – as we are never the same and inadequate to fit in one box forever.
We ended our conversation talking about her latest ongoing project, Society Judges You (SJY). It’s a collection of 27 videos, one for each character she focuses on. The project is still in the making as delayed by the current COVID. With this body of work, Enza attempts at evoking honest human feelings while exploring deep layers of human emotions to show and highlight how any possible situation is perceived differently by each one of us.