The Importance of a Good Design Quote
Design Quotes are a good source when in lack of inspiration. Are you having one of those seemingly eternal blocks and you tried them all, but not even a mindful music, nor a calm environment works? Looking up at what looks like good designers then tears you down even more.
If this is the case, get comfortable and go through these 12 inspiring and thought-provoking design quotes that will undoubtedly get your creative juices flowing.
Design Quotes #1 / Allow yourself to make mistakes.
Paula Scher, graphic designer, and painter
#2 / What’s Perfection?
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer and poet
#3 / Afraid?
Salvador Dali, artist
#4 / Value vs Cost.
Joel Spolsky, web programmer, writer, and creator of Trello
#5 / Focus on your story.
Lorinda Mamo, designer
#6 / What’s the Function?
Micha Commeren, designer
#7 / Are you creating a Language?
Massimo Vignelli, Italian designer
#8 / Three simple Concepts: Culture, Values, and Future.
Robert L. Peters, designer and author
#9 / Look for a Formal Strategy.
Mariona Lopez, business owner
#10 / There’s No Good or Bad.
Adam Judge, author
#11 / Less is More.
Paul Rand, graphic designer
#12 / Inform and make it Clear.
Hans Hoffmann, postwar American artist.
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