About Andrea Lo Maglio
Born in Milan in 1982, Andrea discovered photography as a simple passion. It eventually took all his interest, and so the camera became inseparable. Despite not being a professional photographer, he puts everything in the frame and lets the image go beyond his profession without seeking a label.
Hello Andrea. When or how have you understood you wanted to become an artist?
About six years ago, I got bored of seeing only stupid pictures on social media, so I started looking for something more interesting by myself.
Can you briefly tell us more about your technique and what drives you to make art?
Street photography as it is invariably sincere. I love watching people. I aim for the beauty and the ugly of the mundane.
What is the main feature that has changed in your works or practice?
I’d say that color consciousness is something I improved and that I adjusted in my work.
Which artist primarily inspires your work? And is there something else, outside visual arts, that keeps you motivated?
Garry Winogrand for his ability to find something interesting in the everyday.
How would you like people to engage with your work?
I push people to simply imagining the situation they are staring at in the image, to live it with empathy, figuring out how the character could have been before or will be after that actual shot.
Follow Andrea Lo Maglio on Instagram.