Aerial photographer Bernhard Lang was born in Crailsheim (southern Germany) in 1970. He has mainly been freelancing since early 2000, especially as a portrait and advertising photographer for various international clients. Today, he exclusively works on his personal projects about aerial views, shooting landscapes out of small planes and helicopters. It all started on a Munich to Tokyo flight as he was flying over Siberia.
Through the window, 10 000 meters up, Bernhard Lang contemplated the patterns in the landscape as seen from the air “These all looked like paintings to me.”
Lang aims at showing a different point of view, the above one. From above, he thinks, things obtain an unexpected geometric shape and become more interesting. With these aerial views, Bernhard Lang is also attempting to make us more conscious of man’s impact on nature, which is more apparent from the sky. This hidden message is often within the aesthetic he is now renowned for.
What brought him to choose the photographic medium was the urge to combine creativity with technical skills. “I had been a late starter and didn’t find photography seriously until I was 23 years old. At the beginning of my apprenticeship, I did not know anything about photography, but fortunately, it turned out that am a visual person, and my passion for and to create imagery developed step by step”, he says in an interview for the World Photography Organisation.
Lang is today known for his aerial studies of industry, wildlife, and landscapes around the world.
Over the last five years, his work has been recompensed by different international awards. In particular, he won first prize in the International Photography Awards in the ‘Abstract’ category for his series ‘Mar del Plastico’ taken from above the greenhouse agriculture in Andalusia as well as the Sony World Photography Awards for his series ‘Adria’ taken along the Italian coastline.
You can follow more of his recent photography on Behance or on his personal website.